why we brought in High Speed Injection for mobile case production?

there are mainly 2 machines of injection for mobile case production.
normal injection and high speed injection machines.
there are the following difference between them.
hight speed injection machine advantages:
1. less injection time, cause it is high speed injection, it can save at least 1/3 time compare to normal injection
2. much higher quality. accuracy control of injection volume each time, firmer when the machines holding the molds, all these make the high speed injects give a mobile case without leaks on the lip or edges, a hight standard quality mobile case.
3. more difficulty and tech mobile case. it is diffculit or out of its ability for normal injection machines to produce some ultra thin product, this has been proved by many factories of mobile cases business. but for hight speed injection, the soft material can reach anywhere of mold when produce mobile case, just because of its hight speed of materila.
Several days ago, hw cases just updated its first high speed injection machines of 3.
HW case aims to provide clients high quality and technogy products, and hight speed injection helps HW case a lot to fulfill this.